Engine Sound Cutting Out, Exterior View

Hello Team Asobo and Flying Raccoon Aka Silvain, and Bruno Quick question. I
have a plane I am building, nearing completion. I found that I can run a stock
Asobo plane ‘PCK system’ with its Sound.XML alongside a Legacy sound file. I
did this so I can run my own engine sound, and use the Asobo PCK SoundXML
system for the various toggle switch sounds and sound effects. I deleted the
engine section in the Sound.XML. Things were going lovely but in the past few
days, I suddenly have intermittent exterior sound cutting out, the engine
sounds in the Legacy package. So odd. They run fine, then stop working, then
work again. Like 4 times off/2 times on. You go from inside view to outside
view, fine. Do that again and the engine outside is silent. Cycle again,
silent. Cycle again, sound is back. Is there a reason for this that you know
of? Is there a cause for this to happen so I can repair it? Its so nice to
have sounds again, my own radial engine sounds, and also unique Asobo click
sounds and sound effects. I would hate to give up one for the other. Hoping
you know of a fix. They seemed to be working perfect, and now they do not. Let
me know if you would like to test it and look it over. Bill Lionheart

I got it working again. No idea what I did to break the first version, but
doing a back-step of it all, starting all over again, and testing another base
Asobo soundpack, I used the Savage Cub and that one worked great. Back to
running Sound XML and Config systems in parrallel. :slight_smile: