EPR for classic jets

How does the sim generate EPR? I am working on a vintage jet (that I actually flew as Captain) and thrust was generally set via EPR, which in the sim seems to do very strange things. N1 seems to give more reliable power results but I need settable accurate EPR. In FSX EPR was completely bonkers and possibly not better here.

It doesn’t AFAIK. Compression Ratio, Bypass ratio and many other real-life parameters are not featured to set thrust.
Net Thrust is set though N1-and-Mach-on-Thrust tables. Gross thrust is set by corrected-airflow-table. Drop me a PM if you need help.

Unfortunately the sim somehow generates an EPR value. My first jet on which I was a Captain was the B-737-200 with JT8D-17A engines, for which all of my performance tables set power in EPR and not N1. The only N1 we used was a takeoff cross check to ensure a forward probe was not blocked 9Such as icing in the Air Florida DC incident. I still have my manuals and all the performance charts which are all in EPR. Power was set manually.

Ah OK. Sorry I misunderstood. It does not let you SET an EPR. But indeed it does calculate an EPR. From the SDK documentation:
EPR = epr_max * [n2_and_mach_to_epr_table] * DeltaPressRatio

The DeltaPressRatio is an indirect measure of altitude.