Exception BrakePoint Error on flights above 6 Hours

With the release of the 737 we have received some reports that in flights
between 6 and 10 hours the sim presents An Exception Breakpoint message and
pressing OK will Crash the sim. Searching in the forums I found the same
report from users using the default 748 as you can see from the below picture.
This is the exact message reported from our customers. Can you please
Investigate this error and advise about that as this makes long haul flights
at risk?

Thank you Chris

Hello @cmakris There are a lot of potential causes for a crash like this and I
wouldn’t be able to tell which one it is from that error prompt. Our best
chance is for your user to follow these guidelines and provide us with a full
dump file generated when the game crashes. [http://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/how-
report-a-bug-or-crash/77) Regards, Sylvain