Hello SDK team and developers. I am creating a new airport project. I would
like to kindly ask for couple of things. I am not found answers on my
questions into the SDK manual. ( pic.1 - 2 ) When I created new project I
deleted some things from default airport as you can see on attached screen
pic.2. Unfortunately the default static cars on parking remained in their
original places. Exclusion retlange and polygon dosnt help pic.1. Is here
something posible to do to remove them?
( pic.4 ) I create this parking
places as ‘Ramp_GA_Medium / Large’, because I want to have Boarding stairs
there. Because of that the AI ATC send there also GA aircrafts. But in real
are these parking only for airliners. Is possible somehow to disable GA entry
on these stands?
Hello mamudesign . Thanks for information.
pic.1-2 exclusionRectangle works pic.3 I created SPB right as you wrote.
Build package. I see into my Package the SPBs folder ( inside services.xml )
and also into the “layout.json” . But without succes When I load sim with
new package in comunnity folder, the Pushback Cars are still there Martin
I could have been a little bit less cryptic, i know! in your
PackageDefinitions.xml or via the project editor you need to add an SPB asset
group, like this
the, inside the PackageSources\AirportServices create an ICAO\ (your airport
icao!) folder copy the provided code inside a file called Services.xml
compiling, you will end up with a file called Services.spb inside
Thanks for your willingness. Please, can you check attached screenshots from
my project into the zip folder? I thing that somewhere is still something
wrong, but I dont know where. Thanks a lot. Martin airport services project
Hi Martin, the entry in the PackageDefinitions must be exactly like this (Only
AssetGroup name is up to you), all the other stuff must be like the one
provided! This is because with the new Services.xml you are going to override
the default one, so the default paths needs to be perfect
Have looked into your files Your PackageDefinitions was still wrong, in the
output dir you have AirportService\ While you should have
anyway, even with this correction in place the , the script doesn’t work
either Wich is unexpected As per https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Content_Configuration/Environment/Living_World/Airport_Services/Airport_Services.htm
Those Services.xml should override the one in the /Shared so the provided
code in my first reply should add ONLY (because of overriding) the stairs and
the GPU. And because of overriding, should remove the pushback and the
baggagecart (that are in the /shared services.spb) Maybe @_Boris or @FlyingRaccon can investigate on the topic , will provide some further samples
myselft (to date, no ms/Asobo content is using those services to compare with,
except a small airstrip in Suisse or Germany that has a service to remove
anything from the field, correct being a grass strip) @Nocturne, doubled lines
here to fix
@maverick60 In the service name, you should have Filename=“Shared Asobo_BoardingRamp \BoardingRamp” and not Shared\ BoardingRamp
\BoardingRamp Same for the GPU, it’s Asobo_GroundPowerUnit And for the
fuel : Asobo_Fuel EDIT: Asobo_ IdleWorkers instead of IdleWorkers We
will update the example in the documentation Sorry for the inconvenience @mamudesign, Thank you for your help Regards, Boris
Hello mamudesign and Boris. Sorry for late reply. Holiday time Thank you
very much for help. Finally it works Now just make details. I mean position
of Stairs, GPU and so on. Thanks a lot again. Martin