
Hi all, I am writing here to inquire about the EXT_meshopt_compression tag/extension I’m seeing in most Asobo/Microsoft default aircraft models.

Is there any sort of documentation available on how to handle this compression? As it stands, it is a blocker for any sort of livery creation… this extension seems to create a second buffer that is not linked to a URI, as if it is some sort of a “virtual/fallback” buffer.

I’ve created a makeshift workaround that works in some scenarios as far as being able to import these models into Blender/3DS/Substance for painting, but it is not a perfect solution across the board.

I’ve searched high and low and have found plenty of documentation on the meshopt that has been merged into Khronos’ GitHub, but this seems to be some sort of custom ordeal on these models as their techniques seem to not be applicable here.
