Extend Wwise and sound.xml capabilities

Dear Asobo,

Would it be possible to extend Wwise to use other variables besides L:VARS and SimVars? ideally Z:Vars or E:Vars should also be available for certain circumstances in the sound conditions.

For example let’s say I want a sound to play only during night time, the only current option is to create an L:VAR since E:VARS are not possible to be used in the conditions, certain objects such as scenery objects, AI models, etc. are not able to have full usage of LVARS making it impossible to achieve this tasks.

Another area of improvement would be if we could fire any Wwise event from .JS, currently as I understand only aurals sound definitions are possible to be triggered from JavaScript, it would ideal to have the capability to trigger any sound from .JS.


I’m out of votes but we’d need that too

Remove votes from old posts that have been closed and marked Done.

EDIT: I lied you only have 10 votes now - used to have 20, So you have to delete 11 votes in order to get down to nine so you can vote. So if something has not been implemented when voted on in 2021 I assume not going to be done and removed my votes.

I don’t think votes should be bound to how fast Asobo fulfills feature requests and bug reports.

Imagine if we couldn’t vote in the upcoming presidential election because we voted in the 35th…

This voting system is flawed and needs change.

We deserve the right to speak up as developers on however many issues/features we deem necessary to keep MSFS a valid platform for 3rd parties to stay in business. This is OUR ecosystem too, we are your most valuable roadmap consultants.

Raul, this has my vote as it will help with some of our projects, but I’ll have to remove the vote if it is needed elsewhere…