EYEPOINT POSITION returning zeros

console.log(SimVar.GetSimVarValue("EYEPOINT POSITION", "xyz"));

returns an empty structure in js

Hello @runshotgun I just tested this and retrieve data that matches the value
defined in the eyepoint parameter, VIEWS section of cameras.cfg
What is your eyepoint parameter
set to? Regards, Sylvain

Those numbers look very suspicious to me… Is this giving you the actual
eyepoint position or the data from the aircraft cfg? One of them is very
useful, the other isnt. I really hope this is not the content of the cfg.

It’s returning the eyepoint position relative to reference datum, as provided
in the cfg. But it seems like none of the cameras in MSFS are using this
reference point and use the reference datum instead so I don’t think there’s
any use for this simvar at the moment.