Flaperon flex animation

Do any aircraft developers know how to set up my ailerons and flaps animations (in this case they are flaperons) so they work with wing flex? my flex works fine, my flaperons work fine but when I try to put them together they separate during flex…I read the sdk but it’s not very clear…the flaperons span the entire length of the wing so the pivot point that works when the wings are straight doesn’t work when they are flexed…there must be a way around this

Dunno but Madolo had the exact same problem in the AS33 which was the first glider we did for MSFS2020, but fixed that by the time we did the JS3. He’s retired from sim development but you might be able to track him down on the interwebs. We had a situation where the combined animation looked ok in Blender but the scale of the movement was different in the sim for the two parts. For the AS33 I coded up a separate animation formula for the two parts by trial an error until they matched but it’s an uncomfortable hack.

I’m not a modeller, so just about anyone on this forum will know the answer better than me. I guessed it was something to do with the node parenting but we never fixed the AS33 model.

Your glider looks like a DG but I don’t recognise the fin/horizontal stabiliser - which model is it ?

k, thanks for your response, It’s Avionic’s Diana 2, very similar to a DG but has noticeable design differences when looking at them side by side.

A friend helped me figure it out, too complicated for me to write here lol unless someone else has the same issue, would be happy to share what I learned.

hey congrats. When you progress to all the programming crapola you need to get the glider to function feel free to contact me - programming the variometers, yawstring, nav, flight model is niche activity for sure.

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