Flight Model aero parameters working in MSFS 2020, but not in MSFS 2024


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: Airplane flight model

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: No issue in MSFS 2020

Bug description:
The flight model "aerodynamics: variables StallDef_StartRatio, StallDef_EndRatio, StallDef_airflowdetachspeed, Stall_AileronAddIncidence, Stall_TipAddIncidence, presspt_fwd_Alpha0_pMAC, presspt_fwd_AlphaStall_pMAC appear to either have no effect or a much different (lesser) effect than in MSFS 2020. In porting a community project MSFS 2020 airplane over to MSFS 2024 where these variables were used to prevent auto-rotation during the takeoff roll and unrecoverable pitch up/stall in flight, they seem to have no such effect in MSFS 2024. The undesired characteristics that were satisfactorily addressed by use of these variables in MSFS 2020 are back in MSFS 2024, with the aforementioned variables no longer having any effect. Is this intended?

This leads me to the obvious question of what other flight model variables have either no effect in MSFS 2024 or a substantially different effect than in MSFS 2020?


Hey, VERY interesting. I’ve been trying to port successful MSFS2020 gliders into 2024 and have been caught out with the stall behaviour changing, so there IS something going on. I posted my issues here: How to get the 2020 flight model in MSFS 2024?

Actually I don’t see that. When I ported a MSFS2020 aircraft to MSFS2024 the stall curve looks exactly the same. Are you sure it’s not something else that upset the pitch?

Hi everyone,

For those of you who are affected by this issue, would it be possible to name the aircraft/packages that you encountered the problem with? Does the MSFS2020 package behave “normally” in 2024? Does the issue occur when you are moving from an 2020 package to a 2024 package?

Thanks a lot for your reports.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

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A bit more information on my issue(s). The “packages” are the dev version of the FBW A32NX and a modified dev version of the FBW A380X (fix(a380x/flight model): A380X Flight Model Update by donstim · Pull Request #9830 · flybywiresim/aircraft · GitHub). These are MSFS 2020 packages simply copied into the MSFS 2024 community folder.

It is the A380X where the flight model parameters I mentioned that resolved certain issues in 2020 (auto-rotation at takeoff and pitch-up/stall in flight) did not work the same way in 2024. I have since used a work around that did not require these parameters. However, I retained the StallDef_StartRatio, StallDef_EndRatio, Stall_AileronAddIncidence , and Stall_TipAddIncidence , and these appear (from the lift curve in the stall debug window) to now be working properly. I don’t know if the presence of the presspt parameters had caused them to not work properly or not, but they definitely were not working before.

For both airplanes, at higher flap settings, and particularly in landing configuration on a -3 degree glideslope, the pitch angles are different for the same packages in 2024 than for 2020.

Oh, and one additional item. The volumetric estimated empty MOIs are just a bit different between 2022 and 2024 for the same package.

Here are examples of the pitch angle difference on the FBW A380X between MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024 at the same weight and speed with full landing flaps and gear down on a -3 degree flight path angle (simulating a typical ILS approach).
MSFS 2020:

MSFS 2024:


Tried to do the same comparison with the MSFS 2020 Asobo A320Neo, dropping it into the community folder in MSFS 2024. It would not let me show the dev debug windows in 2024, saying that the airplane is encrypted. But I think you can see from the PFD that the pitch difference between the 2 sims is there as well at full landing flaps, VAPP, -3 deg flight path angle.
MSFS 2020:

MSFS 2024: