I am currently trying to develop something where i give the program a flight route with some weather data like this:
“During the period from takeoff until approximately 2 hours after, there is continuous cloud cover at around 8,000 feet. At the specified cruising altitude, an average temperature of -42°C and an air pressure of 250 hPa are measured. The relative humidity is 65%, which remains constant until the next climb. From 6:10 p.m. to around 6:45 p.m., the aircraft flies into a so-called saturated area. The average air pressure is 180 hPa, and the temperature is -57°C. The aircraft then flies into an area with a relative humidity of 55% until the descent begins.”
With this data the programm generates a realistic flight route and simulates the weather and turn it into a playback video of the whole flight with different angles and shows how an aircraft reacts to the weather. Also show different values that the aircraft measures during events on the flight. To have a first idea how an aircraft could react, does it form contrails for real life improvements and how the aircraft can influence its surroundings. I found Microsoft flight simulator the most realistic on market for this kind of experiment. Does anyone have done anything like this before ?