Dear Developers, Can anyone explain to me how do I update the FMC Progress
page with the following new code?
import {B787_10_FMC} from './B787_10_FMC';
import * as HDSDK from './../../hdsdk/index';
export class B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage {
static _timer = 0;
static ShowPage1(fmc: B787_10_FMC) {
B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage._timer = 0;
fmc.pageUpdate = () => {
if (B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage._timer >= 15) {
let useImperial = HDSDK.HeavyDivision.Configuration.useImperial();
let fuelModifier;
if (useImperial) {
fuelModifier = 1.0;
} else {
fuelModifier = 0.45359237;
let speed = Simplane.getGroundSpeed();
let currentTime = SimVar.GetGlobalVarValue('ZULU TIME', 'seconds');
let currentFuel = SimVar.GetSimVarValue('FUEL TOTAL QUANTITY', 'gallons') * SimVar.GetSimVarValue('FUEL WEIGHT PER GALLON', 'pounds') / 1000;
let currentFuelFlow = SimVar.GetSimVarValue('TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH:1', 'pound per hour') + SimVar.GetSimVarValue('TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH:2', 'pound per hour') + SimVar.GetSimVarValue('TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH:3', 'pound per hour') + SimVar.GetSimVarValue('TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH:4', 'pound per hour');
currentFuelFlow = currentFuelFlow / 1000;
let waypointActiveCell = '';
let waypointActiveDistanceCell = '';
let waypointActiveETACell = '';
let waypointActiveFuelCell = '';
let waypointActive = fmc.flightPlanManager.getActiveWaypoint();
let waypointActiveDistance = fmc.flightPlanManager.getDistanceToActiveWaypoint();
if (waypointActive) {
waypointActiveCell = waypointActive.ident;
if (isFinite(waypointActiveDistance)) {
waypointActiveDistanceCell = waypointActiveDistance.toFixed(0) + ' ';
let eta = undefined;
eta = (B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage.computeEtaToWaypoint(waypointActiveDistance, speed) + currentTime) % 86400;
if (isFinite(eta)) {
let etaHours = Math.floor(eta / 3600);
let etaMinutes = Math.floor((eta - etaHours * 3600) / 60);
waypointActiveETACell = etaHours.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + etaMinutes.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + '[size=small]Z[/size]';
let fuelLeft = fmc.computeFuelLeft(waypointActiveDistance, speed, currentFuel, currentFuelFlow);
if (isFinite(fuelLeft)) {
waypointActiveFuelCell = (fuelLeft * fuelModifier).toFixed(1);
let waypointActiveNextCell = '';
let waypointActiveNext;
let waypointActiveNextDistanceCell = '';
let waypointActiveNextETACell = '';
let waypointActiveNextFuelCell = '';
let waypointActiveNextDistance = NaN;
if (fmc.flightPlanManager.getActiveWaypointIndex() != -1) {
waypointActiveNext = fmc.flightPlanManager.getNextActiveWaypoint();
if (waypointActiveNext) {
waypointActiveNextCell = waypointActiveNext.ident;
if (waypointActive && isFinite(waypointActiveDistance)) {
let d = Avionics.Utils.computeGreatCircleDistance(waypointActive.infos.coordinates, waypointActiveNext.infos.coordinates);
if (isFinite(d)) {
waypointActiveNextDistance = d + waypointActiveDistance;
waypointActiveNextDistanceCell = waypointActiveNextDistance.toFixed(0) + ' ';
let eta = undefined;
eta = (B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage.computeEtaToWaypoint(waypointActiveNextDistance, speed) + currentTime) % 86400;
if (isFinite(eta)) {
let etaHours = Math.floor(eta / 3600);
let etaMinutes = Math.floor((eta - etaHours * 3600) / 60);
waypointActiveNextETACell = etaHours.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + etaMinutes.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + '[size=small]Z[/size]';
let fuelLeft = fmc.computeFuelLeft(waypointActiveNextDistance, speed, currentFuel, currentFuelFlow);
if (isFinite(fuelLeft)) {
waypointActiveNextFuelCell = (fuelLeft * fuelModifier).toFixed(1);
let destinationCell = '';
let destination = fmc.flightPlanManager.getDestination();
let destinationDistanceCell = '';
let destinationETACell = '';
let destinationFuelCell = '';
let destinationDistance = NaN;
if (destination) {
destinationCell = destination.ident;
destinationDistance = destination.cumulativeDistanceInFP;
if (waypointActive) {
const missed = fmc.flightPlanManager.getCurrentFlightPlan().approach;
const mWayipoints = missed.waypoints;
if (mWayipoints.length > 0) {
const cumulativeToApproach = mWayipoints[mWayipoints.length - 1].cumulativeDistanceInFP;
destinationDistance = cumulativeToApproach;
destinationDistance -= waypointActive.cumulativeDistanceInFP;
destinationDistance += fmc.flightPlanManager.getDistanceToActiveWaypoint();
if (isFinite(destinationDistance)) {
destinationDistanceCell = destinationDistance.toFixed(0) + ' ';
let eta = undefined;
eta = (B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage.computeEtaToWaypoint(destinationDistance, speed) + currentTime) % 86400;
if (isFinite(eta)) {
let etaHours = Math.floor(eta / 3600);
let etaMinutes = Math.floor((eta - etaHours * 3600) / 60);
destinationETACell = etaHours.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + etaMinutes.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + '[size=small]Z[/size]';
let fuelLeft = fmc.computeFuelLeft(destinationDistance, speed, currentFuel, currentFuelFlow);
if (isFinite(fuelLeft)) {
destinationFuelCell = (fuelLeft * fuelModifier).toFixed(1);
let toTODCell = '';
let todDistanceCell = '';
let todETACell = '';
const showTOD = SimVar.GetSimVarValue('L:AIRLINER_FMS_SHOW_TOP_DSCNT', 'number');
if (showTOD === 1) {
const distanceToTOD = SimVar.GetSimVarValue('L:WT_CJ4_TOD_REMAINING', 'number');
if (distanceToTOD) {
todDistanceCell = distanceToTOD.toFixed(0) + '[size=small]NM[/size]';
let eta = undefined;
eta = (B787_10_FMC_ProgressPage.computeEtaToWaypoint(distanceToTOD, speed) + currentTime) % 86400;
if (isFinite(eta)) {
let etaHours = Math.floor(eta / 3600);
let etaMinutes = Math.floor((eta - etaHours * 3600) / 60);
todETACell = etaHours.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + etaMinutes.toFixed(0).padStart(2, '0') + '[size=small]Z[/size]';
toTODCell = todETACell + '/' + todDistanceCell;
['TO', 'DTG', 'ETA', 'FUEL'],
[waypointActiveCell, waypointActiveDistanceCell, waypointActiveETACell, waypointActiveFuelCell],
['NEXT', ''],
[waypointActiveNextCell, waypointActiveNextDistanceCell, waypointActiveNextETACell, waypointActiveNextFuelCell],
[destinationCell, destinationDistanceCell, destinationETACell, destinationFuelCell],
['', 'TO T/D'],
['', toTODCell],
static computeEtaToWaypoint(distance, groundSpeed) {
if (groundSpeed < 50) {
groundSpeed = 50;
if (groundSpeed > 0.1) {
return distance / groundSpeed * 3600;