FS2024 Premium DeLuxe - Diamond DA40 TDI cannot selected in Free Flight, it is only is only passive


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: not applicable


Similar MSFS 2020 issue: not applicable

**Bug description:The Diamond Aircraft DA40 TDI part of the deluxe package is not selectable in free flight

*Repro steps:

  1. make sure you own deluxe / premium deluxe (and Yes I DO own the premium deluxe version)
  2. start FS2024 and go to Free Flight
  3. Click on the aicraft image
  4. In Change Aircraft search for TDI
  5. No entry Found.

Using VFS projection:

  1. activate Dev Mode
  2. go to VFS Projector
  3. start VFS Projection
  4. Open explorer
  5. in explorer navigate to VFSProjection\simobjects
  6. execute search for TDI. it is only found in “asobo_passiveaircraft_da40family\presets\asobo\da40_tdi”
  7. the TDI should also be found in the simobject folder as an aircraft. Take for example the C172, both the analog and the G1000 has both its own folder: “asobo_c172sp” and “asobo_c172sp_g1000”. For the DA40 the only folder is for the G1000 “asobo_da40ng” and the TDI is missing


Private attachments:

You are right, no plane is loaded. But you should report this here This is the SDK forum.

Thanks Cygnifick.
I’ve reported this bug also there.
It can be closed here then.