Fspackagetool.exe, missing compilation information on beta Sim update VI

That’s weird. it does not work on my side. the build window still does not

Still the same issue here with the new sdk version as expexted. Th issue is
created by the called flighsimulator.exe that is no longer obening a cmd
prompt to sho the messages. Maybe just a missing file that invokes the cmd
prompt or a new parameter like verbose or external or whatsoever

Could we kindly get an update on this issue please Eric? This is a very
serious problem for us developers, I hope your team at Asobo is aware of just
how vital this functionality is.

Yep, no change with latest SDK update. No second window opens to display
console log.

Same thing here on Steam.

+1 here on MS-store.

+1 here as well. just a blank window that opens then disappears…

Hello. A workaround has been posted [/articles/3288/fspackagetool-workaround-
display-debug-console.html) Regards, Sylvain

Thanks Sylvain!