Hey Guys, I was wondering if there is an already known function to calculate
the required value for SimVar BAGGAGELOADER ANGLE TARGET based on the known
hight of the baggage interactive point? Kai

Hello @Kaiii3 This is supposed to be computed automatically when your ground
service vehicle switches into the “Move_Toward_Aircraft” state.
Any reason why you would want to override this? Regards, Sylvain

Hey Sylvain I am working on Ground Services added via SimConnect to serve the
injected AI Airplanes by AIG Traffic Controller, so far I was able to
implement BoardingStairs as well as Catering. Basically it is a full
replacement for the efault services whiche have been disabled for the
airplanes via the aircraft.cfg (we only use Pushback since adding that
externaly for AI seems impossible at the moment).

can be marked as Solved, I was able to write a function based on the
dimensions of the 3D model. Tests are showing good results and we are now able
to include baggageloaders for our AI airplanes serving front and back cargo
doors via SimConnect.