GetDataByType kinda broken

So it would appear when you updated the types for FS24 you added an extra for hot air balloons… but of course they got injected in the middle of the ENUM, screwing up the indexes which means I can’t use the FS24 version on FS20 and I can’t use the FS20 on FS24 directly.

FS20 simconnect assembly/library on FS24 will select the wrong index (i.e. not return the type you actually wanted)

and of course the FS24 version on FS20 can end up with INVALID_ENUM potentially too when the new value is now out of range.

As an example if I request SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE.GROUND using the FS20 SDK, I typically get a single object returned with junk data from FS24 and the FS24 assembly in FS20 will give the INVALID_ENUM.


Please add new things at the end of an enum, not in the middle to avoid backwards compatibility issues.

Looks like a duplicate of SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE major change not documented

But that thread didn’t get any attention yet.

Thanks for the heads up bud. Sorry I was a little frustrated when I realised they did this and didn’t search.

No worries, I’ve submitted my own dupes and was just trying to help out since it rang a bell.

In the past this enum mistake has been made and it was fixed so I expect it will be addressed similarly. [SU11] Please do not add Enum-Items in the middle of an enum

I do hope so! Though it’s risky because they then add another compatibility error if stuff is built with an outdated version of the SDK… However this is relatively early days for FS24 so hopefully it wouldn’t have far reaching effects if they amend this.