Getting Parse Error Fails?

Hello, I’m currently working on airport with SU9 here. And when I go to
compile the scenery with the FSPackageTool, it’s spit out this error?

(Attached XML)

Hello @Verticalsim Indeed there is an issue with fspackagetool.exe This is
being investigated Thanks, Regards, Boris

@Boris The error could be in the scenery editor itself that shouldn’t allow
double properties :slight_smile:

Hi @mamudesign , indeed, I was not aware that the issue was first seeing on
the console side (Thanks fsdeveloper :wink: ) @Verticalsim , Do you remember what
you were doing just before you had this problem ? Regards, Boris

Hello Boris, It seems like something going on with the Vector tool duplicating
the Displayname. Thanks to manudesign for the catch.