Gizmo no longer aligns with local angle?

After being away for a little while I started to notice that since the last
few updated is no longer behaving as it was before. It looks like when using
the Gizmo it no longer supports the local angle anymore on painted lines.
However it is still working on objects. Is this an intended decision or just
an oversight which wasn’t caught in Q&A;, or am I just the one who is missing
something?Attached some pictures to show the difference.

@Darwikey FYI

Hi, Sorry but the gizmo in local mode was never aligned with painted lines.
Regards, Xavier

It actually has been. I have been using it for months to align lines properly
on platforms with helper lines. Since the SU5, this is no longer possible. Do
note I am using the middle point of the painted line, not the ends.