Glass through the windshield? flickers, looks strange

Hello, why is the glass material on top of the fixtures clashing with the
windshield material and flickering? I tried various settings and as soon as I
take the camera outside, color music begins. Tell me, what am I doing wrong or
is this another bug?

Glass generally has some flickering when several layers are used, also in
sceneries. It might help to use the Draw Order parameter but sometimes it
seems to be more like trial and error.

Never able to fix it. I just hide all glass geometry of the cockpit when it
rendered as exterior.

Thank you! ( No bad! (

Thank you mr.Drzewiecki!

Just to add to that answer: I found that giving the lower layers a higher draw
order generally helps, at least since SU6. So, in your case, set the draw
order to 50 on that instrument glass, maybe 25 for the interior windshield and
0 for the exterior windshield. I have stacked three or four layers this way,
and it all got Z-sorted reliably, at least so far.

Can you give more details? Where exactly do you set the ‘draw order’? Thanks
for your reply!

Ok… Thank you very very much! I’m find

Great! It remains to scratch and slap everything