Helicopter `ENG N2 RPM` returns N1 values

Hello. With engine type Helo-Turbine, the variable ENG N2 RPM (N2 shaft rpm,
which is 100% in flight condition) is returning data as if ENG N1 RPM was
queried (N1 compressor rpm, which will be much less than 100% and not follow
the shaft RPM).

@FlyingRaccoon Could you take a look at this already?

Hello @davux3 @GutsherrBus9 My apologies for the late response. This is a
limitation of our turboprop and helicopter turbine design. Only 1 stage is
simulated at the moment. Only jets have a proper implementation for now.
Regards, Sylvain

ENG RPM ANIMATION PERCENT did the trick for me now.

You’ve used the phrases ‘at the moment’ and ‘for now’, which might lead one to
hope that changes might be coming in the future? Any roadmap for this?