Helicopter slung load attachment and manipulation via Simconnect SDK

Hi everyone,

I would like to use MSFS 2024 as a visualization tool for slung load operation of helicopters. So far, we set the position, velocity and attitude of the helicopter via the simconnect sdk, thereby “eliminating” the base flight physics model.

Now I would like to additionally attach a slung load to the helicopter. Only, I could not find a ressource of how this might work. The simconnect SDK mentions the “sling” variables, however for me there seems to be no way to attach a slung load to a given helicopter.

Therefore, does anybody by chance know howto attach a load to a helicopter in MSFS 2024 via simconnect SDK? Or what it the intended way to attach a load to a helicopter? Do you have to first spawn an object? But how do you tell MSFS 2024, that the helicopter and that object are connected?

Thanks a lot for your time!