Hello I am with MSFS2020 PC can I build projects for the Xbox console with the supplied sdk?

Hello I am with MSFS2020 PC can I build projects for the Xbox console with the supplied sdk?

Hello @laserjet59 , You can use the " build and
option and choose Xbox in the next window. Please note that xbox packages
are only intended for the Marketplace, so you must first be a [Marketplace
Partner Developer](https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-
us/articles/360015914839-Marketplace-Partner-Program-FAQ). Regards, Boris

Thank you for your reply! have a nice day

Happy to help :slight_smile: Thanks, have a nice day too :wink:

It’s a shame that Xbox users can’t get free content I only do free stuff! too
bad for console gamers