How do I evict these clowns?

Thia is a small airport that I’ve made from scratch and these vehicles are ridiculous for such a small airfield.

I’ve managed to alter the services to remove marshallers and pushback but these vehicles remain.

All parking is RAMP_GA_SMALL.

Change parkings to DOCK_GA

(Or set airport ground services sliders to zero)

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That seems like a hack, no? I’ve never used DOCK_GA, but isn’t that for use on water?
I wish there were a way to do this with the other parking types we’ve been given.

It does, so I decided against it.

Further more I have KAVX from Orbx and it uses Small GA parking and does not have the vehicles knocking about.

There’s a way, I just don’t know it.

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It’s hit or miss depending on what global vehicles are set for that region and their spawn probability. Thus, your only other option is to overwrite the living world file for the region, which is a bad practice because it effects every airport in a very large area, including other developers.

Dock_GA, as strange as it looks is the only non-invasive way to go about it.

I have some airports where I have had no issues using GA Small, but others I have had to use Dock. Making the parking radius smaller will help for what aircraft spawn, but I don’t think it effects vehicles.

No, living world can be altered for a single AP and not affect the region.

That’s what KAVX does. But I don’t know how exactly.

Airport Services can be tuned per airport. Living World has always overwritten an entire region. You can choose to overwrite a single element, such as the AmbientTraffic (See this section on the linked page) that you want to remove, but it will do it for every airport in that region.

Linking this thread as well since it’s one of the original discussions on this topic:

I spoke too broadly.

The issue for me is somehow Orbx made a KAVX that has neither workers, nor random vehicles rolling around. Other airports in the region still have vehicles.

Default KAVX absolutely had both.

I just wish to know how they did it.

Have you already tinkered with airport services xml? There is a sample project for this in the SDK folder. I don’t know if that is exactly what you are looking for, though.

Yes, successfully too, but that doesn’t keep enormous busses and fire trucks from wandering tiny rural airport. :slight_smile: It just makes the workers go away.

<rant>It would be great if someone from the SDK team were to chime in, here, to answer the question of why buses and firetrucks spawn in these positions in the first place. If they spawn there, why even have vehicle parking spots in the first place? Also, having an airport vehicle density setting of 100% should mean 100% of what should be a realistic number. A class D airport with an airport vehicle density setting of 100% shouldn’t mean you have 25 firetrucks running around the place. It makes little sense.</rant>

Yes, and at the very least they should be controllable per airport. Maybe not type of vehicles, but certainly which vehicles can or can’t spawn.

They seem to stop and loiter at parking, that includes unoccupied aircraft parking, so vehicle parking makes for other places they can loiter away from the ramp. That actually makes sense.

But not being able to forbid them at a tiny untowered airport DOES at least SEEM possible since, as I’ve said, I have a payware one that seems to do exactly that.

Since it’s from the marketplace, I can’t decompile it to study what they did.

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Do you have ground traffic sliders all the way up in that Catalina scene? And still vehicles not showing?

This happened to me this morning, after landing at KESN. ( std Asobo default airport).

Was blocked by the fuel tuck ahead of me when I left the runway, and then all the other vehicle joined in to block me in withing 2 minutes !!

with Ground vehicle setting only at 50% … Imagine 100% !!!

Well, I’m an idiot. I did not have it at 100, and once I set it there I got vehicles running around at Catalina. So, never mind.

I’m going to focus now on parking reduction. Catalina has 12 ish parking while my airport has 30 (which is still less than the 40 or so tie downs it had IRL before it closed. Maybe cutting back will reduce the spawn rate.

I think I read somewhere that it has an effect of some sort. We’ll see.

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