How to change taxi center line orientation?

The airport I’m working on has their taxi centerline marked from the outside of the apron.

With the tools I have I’m having to create two taxi paths, but I’m only using the second one in order to get the desired look. Is this correct? Is there a better way of doing this?

I’m not sure I’m understanding the question. The taxi lanes on the ramp can be marked or unmarked, as is the case in real life. You can set that center line marking flag on the taxi path as you desire, to match reality. The path will still be there.

In my practice, I usually leave the taxi (parking) paths unmarked because the tees they draw are usually unrealistic for GA tiedowns. I usually disable centerlines/markings on those and draw the parking tees manually using painted line objects.

I thought about drawing the T’s as well, but I didn’t see a thin yellow option. I see white and a thick yellow. Can I colorize the painted lines?

Regarding what I’m asking. My concern is more with ATC and the visual help (blue arrows) they give you when you request taxi assignment. Under normal conditions the arrows will show up above the center line guiding the pilot to the parking spot.

My concern by doing it the second way (in my picture) is I have a hidden taxi line that goes behind the apron so the blue arrows will follow that path. Your suggestion of simply painting them might be best.

Thin yellow is “default.” The only other colors available at this time are white and red.

Unless I’m mistaken, you don’t need a drawn centerline for the taxi pathing to work, just the path itself. The only issue this may cause is a pilot not knowing where the center of the path is on the ramp, but that’s pretty much how it is in the real world. You just keep it between the Ts/tiedowns (and often enough, parked aircraft) until you’re ready to pull into/in front of a spot. If the blue line is there in the sim, bonus for whoever is using it.

Haha. Thank you. I never used the DEFAULT type before. I always used it for HOLD SHORT lines. :smiley: It worked like a charm.

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