Hello all,
Does anyone have any idea’s for how to create a well working VTOL?
I know about XML, but not all the other programming languages. My specialty is Mesh, Painting, and flight models.
Back in FS2004 and FSX/P3D, you could make flaps use the high lift settings to replicate a VTOL, but if you went under 5 knots, you fell out of the sky. I want to be able to hover, to have auto-hover and auto-land.
Any advice? Is there a new tech for making such a thing in MSFS that is simple? Something I could manage to handle?
I have tried going through the Pelican addon to see how it works. Couldnt figure it out. It does use something called drone. Would be cool if there is a built in VTOL in MSFS already there and we could access it.
Many thanks in advance for any advice you might have…
Lionheart Creations