Frequency: Consistently
Severity: Low
Marketplace package name: n/a
Context: - testing with the LS4 freeware glider. html/js writeable textures in MSFS2024 seem to have much more fade-in of display changes than MSFS2020, i.e. if a texture is displaying a ‘4’ and html/js code changes that to ‘3’, the previous value persists for half a second as the new value takes effect.
Similar MSFS 2020 issue: this effect wasn’t noticeable in MSFS2020, but it’s unpleasant in MSFS2024.
Bug description:
As attached pic, if a gauge is updated once per second, the updated value ‘fades-into’ the display instead of replacing the previous content.
Repro steps:
HTML/JS gauge, create a text area, once-per-second update that html element with an incremented integer.
See the “21.3” and “2040” overwriting the previous “21.4” and “2090”