Huge aircrafts packages

Version: * and earlier
Build & export packages using Package editor within the sim makes huge package (above 20 Giga)
Making the same with PackageTool in a command line:
%MSFS2024_SDK%Tools/bin/fspackagetool.exe" %xml_def% -rebuild
generates a correct package of about 7 Giga…
Can’t understand why

Are you exporting for Community or for Marketplace?
Marketplace exports will produce bigger packages because textures are exported uncompressed - I thought this was explained in the SDK documentation but after double checking it looks like it isn’t - we will add this information.
By default fspackagetool exports for Community which means with compressed textures (looks like this is not documented either…)

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

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Thanks Eric,
now makes sense.
Yes exported for MarketPlace, exporting for Community makes compressed textures.
I suppose that distributed packages by MarketPlace will be with compressed textures, otherwise we could have problems with XBOX users,

Hi @EPellissier ,

We’ve just come across this same ‘issue’ too, but with sceneries.
This might be a question for MS Marketplace, but are you able to confirm that the end user will not receive the uncompressed texture package (which could easily be 6gb instead of 500mb).

We’ve been asked to upload our 2024 packages, and I’m very concerned that Xbox users would have issues with uncompressed textures.

Hello @PaternalSmile51 @Gobby

Marketplace package textures will be compressed on ingestion so the size of the version you see after export is not representative of what the end user will have.
