Imported F-35 Synthetic Vision renders only on the upper half


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Marketplace package name: indiafoxtecho f-35

Context: MSFS2020 aircraft imported in MSFS2024 (drag and drop in Community folder)

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: a VERY SMALL percentage of user (about 0.1%) reported a similar issue in MSFS2020. We were not able to reproduce it, seems to work fine for the vast majority for MSFS2020 users.

Bug description: F-35 uses synthetic vision to “approximate” the TFLIR and ASR sensor.
However, the image generated by MSFS covers only the upper half of the screen (like if it was compressed to a 100% x 50% size)

Repro steps:
Upon loading F-35, starting on a runway:

  • a TFLIR window is shown on the second “subportal” (small screen) on the third portal (“quarter” of the primary display)
  • the TFLIR window can be maximized, same issue.

Similar issue shows on the ASR, which can be selected as follows:

  • RADAR must be set to NOSLP or AASLP (in the SRCH page, plane must be airborne)
  • In the ASR page, MODE-> ASR

This is how the images appear on MSFS2024:

This is how the images should appear (MSFS2020)

This is the area not rendered.

NOTE that the image is rendered “completely” but scaled only to the top half of the rendering area. Other windows with similar approach (e.g. DAS or MAP view) work as intended.

I have checked the CSS, HMTL and JS files for any difference but everything seems OK.


I think I have found the problem.
In our code, the CSS did not declare the “map instrument” element size to be 100% x 100%.
Apparently in MSFS2020, the “map instrument” was still initialized at a 100% x 100% size, while in MSFS2024 it was initialized at 100% x 50% (for whatever reason).
Explicitly setting the “map instrument size” at 100% x 100% in the .CSS solves the problem.


Glad you found the issue. Nice panel.