< Include RelativeFile = inside a relative file


Frequency: Frequently

Severity: High*

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Bug description:
First - is having a Templates folder under the model folder a thing - is this okay to do?

If so is having a subfolder, ie SubTempates and Inputs folder allowed in this Templates folder?

Having a relativefile with a relative file.

ie. the model .xml has

    <Include RelativeFile="Templates/rtu_4200.xml"/>

If so how do we use inputs for the rtu_4200.xml having a subfolder inputs

	<!-- <Include Path="ASOBO\Generic.xml"/> -->
	<Include Path="Asobo\NAVCOM\NavComSystem.xml"/>
	<Include RelativeFile="Inputs//rtu_4200_Inputs.xml"/>

.... more code ....

The SDK says the relativefile is relative to the model.xml if I do that

	<Include RelativeFile="Templates//Inputs//rtu_4200_Inputs.xml"/>

The build will error out and say can find file


And if I remove the first templates the Behaviors debug says can’t find


Repro steps:

build with relativefile= templates/inputs

behaviors debug with relativefile = inputs

with templates removed


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A workaround for this issue. But not very intuitive, or good for code reuse.

Expected behavior is File A is dependent on file B and file B is dependent on File C.

You can make this work if you have File A dependent on file B, and also file B can satisfy it’s dependency on file C by making a link to file C from File A.

So the model xml will require

    <Include RelativeFile="Templates/rtu_4200.xml"/>
    <Include RelativeFile="templates//inputs//rtu_4200_Inputs.xml"/>