Inconsistent Jetway Connection!

Hi, I’m having troubles with the Jetway connecting to the Aircraft. Basically
in some Gates the Jetway Fully Extends with no problems, in others it doesn’t
even bother to extend at all, and this just makes no sense to me. GATE 1

Another Gate

The model Rigging seems correct
since at gate1 the Jetway fully extends, so it looks like there is something
under the line not working properly. Thanks for the help.

      1.  name="Link_Deployment_L" guid="f993fae1-e8b1-47b5-940d-5cb1b624f0cc" type="Standard"/>
  2.  name="Link_Deployment_R" guid="b09319d2-ec96-445e-9395-ea6ef3182542" type="Standard"/>
  3.  name="Link_Bend_L" guid="6AE01FE9-9BFD-4234-9932-36D4B8D65B5F" type="Standard"/>
  4.  name="Link_Bend_R" guid="D06BC1D3-4F30-4E0F-90E0-32199272D27B" type="Standard"/>
  5.  name="Link_Horizontal_Top" guid="344B7B33-23CA-4A80-8C2A-9303E2F08189" type="Standard"/>
  6.  name="Link_Vertical_Top" guid="335BBE27-3C59-4D0D-B6E0-9B793BA03387" type="Standard"/>
  7.  name="Wheel_Rotation" guid="3510798D-EE26-4264-A532-0E81959618BB" type="Standard"/>
  8.  name="Wheel_Orientation" guid="B4E328E8-6D7B-4EE8-AE90-9B88F69D4545" type="Standard"/>
  10.  Name="IK_MainHandle">
  11. Rotation_Base
  12. Pivot
  13. 0.4 
  14. 3
  15.   16.  
  17.  Name="IK_SecondaryHandle">
  18. Pivot
  19. Contact
  20. 0.4
  21. 30
  22.   23.  
  24.  Name="IK_WheelsGroundLock">
  25. SliderTop
  26. GroundEmpty
  27. 10
  28. 90
  29.   30.  
  31.   32. Rotation_Base
  33.   34.   35.  
  36.   37. EmptyPitch
  38.  min="-12.6" max="9.3"/>
  39.   40.  
  41.   42. Empty01
  43.  min="4.20" max="17.00"/>
  44.   45.  
  46.   47. Pivot
  48.   49.   50.  
  51.   52. SliderTop
  53.  min="6.5" max="6.5"/>
  54.   55.  
  56.   57. GroundEmpty
  58.  min="-6.5" max="-6.5"/>
  59.  min="-10.0" max="20.0"/>
  60.   61.  
  62.   63.  ModelBehaviorFile="Asobo\Misc\SimObjects.xml"/>
  65.  ID="Hood">
  66.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Hood_Left_Bend">
  67. Link_Bend_L
  68. 20 
  69.   70.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Hood_Left_Deployment">
  71. Link_Deployment_L
  72. 20
  73. 0
  74. 50.5
  75.   76.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Hood_Right_Bend">
  77. Link_Bend_R
  78. 20 
  79.   80.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Hood_Right_Deployment">
  81. Link_Deployment_R
  82. 20
  83. 0
  84. 50.0
  85.   86.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Hood_Top_Horizontal">
  87. Link_Horizontal_Top
  88. 100 
  89.   90.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Hood_Top_Vertical">
  91. Link_Vertical_Top
  92. 100 
  93.   94.  
  95.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Wheel_Roll">
  96. Wheel_Rotation
  97. 0.5
  98.   99.  Name="ASOBO_Jetway_Wheel_Orientation">
  100. Wheel_Orientation
  101. -90
  102. 90
  103. 1 
  104. 30 
  105. 0.3
  106.   107.   108.  
  109.  ID="Rotating_Light" Node="Rotating_Light">
  110.  Name="ASOBO_GT_Visibility_Code">
  111. (A:JETWAY MOVING,bool)
  112.   113.   114.  
  116.   117.   118.

I have had the same problem and I thought I was doing something wrong. The
same jetway will connect completely and sometimes it will stay like 1-2 meters
away from the aircraft. Never troubleshot it as it worked fine the last 2
times I used it.

I don’t understand why. I hope we can get a response from ASOBO.

Have you checked this is really a connection/rigging issue, or it’s just a
result of the issues reported here ? They happen more frequently if
you move in/out in the Showcase Drone camera view.

So the only solution would be to rotate the jetway until it connects
perfeclty? I don’t get it

No, assuming your problem is that one, which means the jetway connected, but
not all LODs show it as extended, there’s nothing you can do. The
Showcase/Drone camera is used to verify this is indeed the problem you are
having: if moving close/far continuously, to trigger the various LODs (
assuming you have LODs ) and some LODs are connected but some are not, it
means you hit that bug.

I didn’t load any LOD’s to avoid that problem, the jetway seems to extend in
some gates and not extend in others with no valid reason.

Hello @Dav3.- , Do you have the same issue with
default jetways at the same airport ? Can you send us your jetway simobject ?
See [3) Provide Private
bug-or-crash.html) Regards, Boris

I’ve seen this issue with the drone camera also but it is different from what
the OP described. The jetways just don’t connect completely sometimes

I’ve found the problem.

I had the scale not set to 1.00, unfortunately MFS scale only the Mesh and not
the “Armature” or “Bones”, setting this to 1.00 fixed my problem.

Is this mentioned in the SDK? If not, it should be said :slight_smile: