Installation of the MSFS2024 SDK when already having the MSFS2020 SDK installed


MSFS2020 wasm module will still works in MSFS2024 :

  • Gauge API, even if it has been deprecated for MSFS2024 is still usable but should be replaced by others API (if any features is not doable anymore, please make a dedicated ticket on DevSupport).
  • SimConnect works the same (except the ident part mentionned in the documentation).

Keep in mind that functions exposed through Wasm are just entry points, the logic is part of the Sim itself, so if something behaves differently in MSFS2024 please share it with us as soon as possible so we can track it.

Marketplace submissions are handled by Microsoft - please get in touch with your contact over there to get more information about the process.

Best Regards
Maxime / Asobo