iPad tablet in the cockpit?

Hello everyone,
Do you know if Asobo will position an iPad tablet in the cockpit like that of Sky4sim NG which is really great with aeronautical maps in the 2024 version please?
sorry for my english

Hi there,

Your English is easy to understand. No need to worry! :grinning:

I’m unsure if you’re asking about first-party aircraft or aircraft you develop. For first-party aircraft, there will be a tablet in the cockpit with an EFB on it. I highly doubt that they will be paying licensing fees to Apple to make them iPads. I cannot speak to their similarity to the Sky4sim NG, and if you would like to ask further follow-up questions about first-party aircraftt, you can visit the regular forums and ask in the MSFS 2024 subcategory there.

For aircraft you make, I assume that the 2024 SDK will have additional functionality to enable EFB usage. But again, I cannot speak to its similarity to the Sky4sim NG. Anybody with knowledge can feel free to answer here.

thank you for your response