Is it possible to replace the name of a device that has a Native profile?

I created a mod that adds some profiles for TCA Quadrant Airbus ENG 3-4. When I create the DeviceInfo.xml file with the new names, the in-game interface still shows the old names for T.A320 instead TCA Quadrand Airbus 3&4.


<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?>
	<Device ProductId="0x0407" DisplayName="TCA Quadrant Airbus 1&amp;2" TextureFolder="T.A320 Quadrant throttle" Priority="1" />					<!-- Airbus T-A320 Quadrant throttle standalone (TCA Q-ENG 1&2) -->
	<Device ProductId="0x0408" DisplayName="TCA Quadrant Airbus 3&amp;4" TextureFolder="T.A320 Quadrant throttle" Priority="2" />					<!-- Airbus T-A320 Quadrant throttle standalone (TCA Q-ENG 3&4) -->