N1 is capped at 100% as reported here:
https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/None I’d like to ask if a fix is
still planned for FS2020, as the problem limits high altitude engine
performance unless custom code is written for the engines.
Bumping this one up as it is an important bug affecting jets and turboprops.
Agree with Alex… I am about to jump into Jets… pls I don’t want to face the same problem as with Turbos… I wanted a break from Turbos thinking I would be better off with Jets
It’s the same issue for helicopters. The last few N1 are more important and without going above 100% the engine model won’t achieve the expected hover performance at some higher altitudes or weights.
So what you are saying is, I cannot escape the bug from Turbos by trying to do a Jet or a Helicopter?
No you cannot escape it. The N1% for a family of engines is a little arbitrary and usually the same RPM for all variants in the family; so it’s typical to go above 100%, and sometimes even quite a lot above.
Bumping this one up.