Is this Normal? Very Large File size when Exporting for FS24 Market Place

Version: 1.XX.XX.X

Frequency: Once/Rarely/Frequently/Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Bug description: The Scenery Pack is 2.7Gbs. But when i “Build and export”,
The market Place file is 12Gbs. Its due to the textures files being a different size. Is this normal? See the same file in the screenshot below. Normal Scenery pack on the left. Marketplace package on the right.

Too much alcohol is bad :crazy_face:

Iirc it is because of streaming
So the server can take care of compression only, rather than decompress and compress again (with potential quality loss)


:rofl: I promise I chose a random file to compare. So I guess its normal. Thank you.

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This is not a bug.
For optimization purposes, Marketplace package textures are compressed during ingestion.
The size you see here is not representative of the final package size.


Does that optimisation/compression differ from that done in a normal package build somehow?

Question though:

once the download feature will be enabled for content purchased on the marketplace, will the uncompressed version be downloaded or a compressed version? Because if uncompressed, since that is the package you upload to the marketplace, I think it would fill up users’ disk quite quickly :smiley:

Yes, we are using a proprietary algorithm for this which cannot be included in the sim EXE for legal reasons. Also, this allows us to change the compression algorithm if required.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

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The compressed version will be downloaded. :wink:

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

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Ah! Perfect solution then. Thanks for the info! :slight_smile: