Lights not showing in MSFS2024 after 2024 SDK build

After porting a MSFS2020 project to MSFS2024 lights work correctly.

However the project needed LOD adjustments for 2024 SDK build but the lighting was not changed but added to each LOD.

Exported using Blender 3.6.9 and Asobo exporter Version 1.3.3. Tried both Standard Lighting Mode and Raw(Deprecated). Built the project in 2024 SDK but the lights do not show in the 2024 Sim. The rest of the Blender build works correctly in the 2024 Sim.

Below are the lighting settings for Blender exporter.

Has anyone else had similar lighting Issues?
Is this a bug in the 2024 SDK?


There 3 new types of lights in the Blender exporter of the SDK code 2024 (which is the exporter you must use for MSFS2024). You should also update your Blender 3.6 to not use the deprecated lighting mode and use the multi-exporter instead to get your export correctly.

The old lights (MSFS2020) are not supported anymore, you will need to set up the new lights in your blender scene to get them to work.

Thank you

Thanks Yasmine.

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Sorry to take you back to this; look like the exporter can not actually export the light ? Try to just add a single light point using the 2024 method and export if it work; to me look like the gltf is empty with just a standard header without any light code; with or without any mesh.


Have kept “punctual lights” checked in the export settings ?

Thanks is working now; it was just that.

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Hi @Yasmine - Will MSFS2020 be forwards compatible with the new light system? As a small team (2 part-timers) and several hundred models to work through I’d rather not have two separate versions of each scene for each sim variant. Is there an automated way that an MSFS2020 light could be converted to an MSFS2024 light during package build?



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Hi @Yasmine - is this something that will be possible?

Hi @Yasmine
Like Seafront, I have more than a thousand Blender models in 2020 and over 50 thousand lights which currently cannot be seen after using the 2024 SDK.
I know you said earlier in this thread that they would have to be redone in 2024.
That is a huge task and not in line with the promises of easy porting to 2024 marketplace.
Is anything planned to automate the conversion from a 2020 light to a 2024 Light.
I also note the lack of response to Seafront, which is not encouraging.

Maybe this is a side issue, but what does the MSFS2024 button in Blender actually do. I know it says “Convert scene to MSFS2024” and both addons must be enabled. But it doesn’t convert the lights. Am I missing something?


Hello @drrybuoytoo

Is anything planned to automate the conversion from a 2020 light to a 2024 Light.
[…] But it doesn’t convert the lights. Am I missing something?

The “Convert Scene to MSFS2024” function should also convert the lights.
The new light settings are now located in the Data section of the light object:


After converting your scene, don’t forget to disable the MSFS2020 plugin.

Hope this helps !


I don’t know if the beta has fixed the intensities of emissive textures or of the intensity of lights. The difference between the emissive intensity is about a factor of 10, meaning a 1 emissive texture factor in 2020 needs to be increased to 10 in 2024.

The light intensity of spot lights needs to be increased in 2024 by a factor of 5 (or perhaps 4). So a 100 watt spot in 2020 needs to be increased to 500 for 2024.

Also the conversion will mess with the light angle and reset it to 90 for a spot. So you’ll need to reset that to the correct angle.

All this exists in the glTF file, meaning it is all in readable text. So a program could be made to replace the text in a batch. This is somewhat easy for adjusting scenery models. I’m not sure about simobjects.

Thanks @Boris and @rhumbaflappy.

Uninstalling both 2020 and 2024 and reinstalling 2024 plugin worked!!

Unfortunately rhumbaflappy is right about the intensity and angles.
Boris, Is there a plan to correct them and if so when could we expect that?


Why should he uninstall the MSFS 2020 plugin after converting a scene to MSFS 2024? Aren’t we supposed to be able to have both the MSFS 2020 plugin and the MSFS 2024 plugin installed at the same time in 3DS Max or Blender? I’m confused!

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My apologies,

I said “uninstall” but I meant “disable”.
The fact is you can’t have both plugin activated when exporting the gltf as the materials and extentions are not the same. But you can have the two plugin listed in the addon window with only the MSFS2024 one activated.
Also this valid for Blender.
For 3DSMax you can have both plugin installed / enabled.


Hello @rhumbaflappy @drrybuoytoo

This is being investigated.
I will let you know when I have more information.


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