LOD "pop in" issues - distances too short!

Hey everyone,

The new LOD system is cool, but what’s not cool is having the entire aircraft disappear when >500ft away from you. This is a totally immersive breaking experience and really needs to be looked into. There is a huge airshow community in the flight sim industry that has been neglected, and this even affects the experience of the replay camera tool (which is a native and built-in feature).

Can we please have these LOD issues looked into? The Super Hornet is just one example, but it’s really bad.

Perhaps a user-defined option for LOD draw distances could be a viable solution, or a way to allow players to customize this specifically for flyby views or airshows?

LOD and draw distance is and has been a gripe of mine from day 1 of FS2020, specifically regarding player aircraft.


Video example: