Hey guys, I’m currently working on an improved checklist for the Milviz 310R
because the original checklist that came with the 310R was broken and can’t be
used in Assisted Checklist mode. During working on the checklist I’ve
encountered a really weird issue where one particular LVar will be revert
back to its original value after the checklist copilot action altered that
LVar’s value. The affected LVar is for the Control Lock and it’s a boolean
which 1 = Control Lock Installed/Visible and 0 = Control Lock
Removed/Invisible This Control Lock can be removed by clicking on it or via
the EFB tablet and can only be installed via the EFB Tablet.
the checklist’s copilot action to either change the LVar value from 1 to 0
(Remove the Control Lock) or from 0 to 1 (Install the Control Lock), _ the
change will be performed_ ** _ _but the value will immediately revert back
to its original value.__** My first checklist item is to verify if the control
lock is removed and remove it if it’s not. I used the normal code that anyone
can think of to program this part and here it is:
Code="0 (>L:C310_Control_Lock)**"/>
But as I mentioned above, changing the LVar to 0 (Remove and Invisiable)
will only work for a split second then it’ll be reverted back to 1
(Installed and Visible). Then I turned to the interior.xml of the Milviz
310R and found the code of the Control Lock item. I borrowed the code for left
click interaction which will remove the Control Lock (Bolded text below).
Here’s the entire code for this Control Lock in the interior.xml:
**-1 (>L:C310_Control_Lock,bool)**
Control Lock Visibility
With that weird -1 (>L:C310_Control_Lock,bool) code, I’ve managed to
successfully make the Control Lock go away for good with the checklist copilot
Code="-1 (>L:C310_Control_Lock)**"/>
I’ve used the BehaviourDebug window to monitor the value of this LVar and
similar to before, the value got changed briefly into -1. But then, unlike
before, the value went to 0 (Removed and Invisible) and stayed there.
It didn’t revert back to 1 (Installed and Visible) which is the original
can also make the installation of the Control Lock stick as well but
unfortunatly, it’s not working. Due to there’s no existing codes in the
interior.xml file for installation of the Control Lock for me to copy, I can
only use the only code that I can think of to set the LVar to 1 (Installed
and Visible) in order to install the Control Lock.
Code="1 (>L:C310_Control_Lock)**"/>
Unfortunetly, this is not working. The LVar can be set to 1 (Installed and
Visible) by the copilot action but it’ll be immediately revert back to 0
(Removed and Invisible). I’ve talked with Matt from WTT and he suggested
that maybe it’s the EFB tablet’s JS codes that’s setting the LVar every frame
based on the state stored in the EFB. I’ve also posted this issue to the
Milviz Discord but at this moment, no respond yet. I would like to thank you
all for your time to read my post and please, let me know your thoughts!
Please let me know if there’s a way to make the LVar change stick or how to
troubleshoot the issue and find exactly what’s the reason of the LVar keeps
reverting back on itself! Regards, Meo