Make windsocks not have a heading

Hi there, Just repeating a suggestion I heard of the stream today. Thanks for
that, really great to have Flying Racoon there too to as an interpreter
between us and the devs :slight_smile: Extremely valuable! The suggestion of not allowing
the windsock model (or the sock itself) to be able to be rotated would save
people having to recompile their sceneries again after the wind bug was fixed.
That bug probably won’t happen again but it would save on confusion or
wondering if the dev placed the windsock at 0 degrees Cheers, Nick

Hello Nick, Thank you for reporting this question here and thank you for the
kind comment, glad I can help :wink: I have created a ticket about this. Makes
sense to have the windsock not taking any local orientation into account.
Regards, Sylvain

Hi Sylvain,
Is the team any closer to accomplishing this?
I encountered (and fixed):a windsock with a 180° heading on it in the World Hub.
Thank you!

Hello @N316TS

No progress was made on this and it is not high in the priority list so I don’t expect any change in the near future.
