
MapInstrument is a gem of a stock JS class which allows any 3rd-party dev to render a moving map onto a html/js gauge.

But as far as I can tell MapInstrument is hard-coded to render into a 1000x1000 pixel area. A larger div can be used but then calls to move the center of the map to a new lat/long (i.e. the crucial moving map fn call) will break, positioning that lat/long at the xy 500,500 coordinates regardless of the size of the div/map.

Anyone got around this limitation in MapInstrument, or found another class that renders the map without that 1000x1000 fixed size requirement?

We recommend using Map system and associated classes from the MSFS Avionics Framework, which are much more flexible, have a monadic builder-style API for ease of adding the layers desired, and offers the ability to add custom styling and sizing with a good deal more performance.

You can find those here: msfs-avionics-mirror/src/sdk/components/mapsystem at main · microsoft/msfs-avionics-mirror · GitHub


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Does Working Title have a documented component that draws a map that can be included in a plain html/js gauge? Or are the Garmins just using the Asobo MapInstrument? The map would be the canonical component demonstrating value. Or can’t any WT components be used outside their toolchain anyway?

The MapSystem API is used in the following instruments (all of which are JS instruments):

  • Sim panel VFR Map
  • G1000 NXi
  • G3000/5000
  • GNS430W/530W
  • G3X (SU15)
  • WT21 (CJ4)
  • Boeing 787-10
  • Boeing 747-8i

The source for the Garmins and the WT21 are available on the repo, if you need any examples. We don’t have anything that is not Typescript/TSX (and we highly recommend even small projects use Typescript/TSX) but you can always compile it to JS if you want to use it from there.


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