Misleading documentation for tailrotor parameters

Version: All

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Bug description: Same as in MSFS, the MSFS24 documentation currently indicates that all parameters that are available for mainrotors are available for secondary tailrotors as well, when in reality only a fraction seems to be working in a secondary rotor.
Now to be clear, it is totally alright to simplify a smaller tailrotor in the simulation but then this needs to be communicated clearly to avoid confusion. A developer reading the documentation firstly trusts what he is reading and with that in mind it can actually trick you into believing that a parameter is having an effect, when its actually doing nothing. Dave from Hype Performance Group reported this issue a long time ago for MSFS and it had been logged but since nothing has changed in the meantime I feel the need to bring this topic up again.
As I mentioned before, simplification in case of the tailrotor is alright, however there are certain parameters that should be available for a proper simulation. The most important ones are the static pitch and bank angles so we can properly define the rotational axis of the tailrotor. Currently it is aligned 90 degrees to the tail boom looking from above and perfectly horizontal. Many helicopters such as the blackhawk for example have a strongly tilted tailrotor. To have an accurately orientated thrust vector we really need those two parameters to work.

**Repro steps:**Try setting both a static pitch and bank angle. Compare the result of the simulated rotors in the debug menu (aircraft, sim forces), there will be no tilt of the whole rotor visible.


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