Version: 1.XX.XX.X
Frequency: Once
Severity: Low
SDK Documentation
Bug description:
EventAPI documentation at Event_API states ’ It must replace some features provided by the deprecated Gauge API.’ Surely the Gauge API Has not been deprecated??
This statement should read "… permits you to trigger different kinds of event to replace those deprecated in the Gauge API.
Repro steps:
See Event_API
Hello @DeadCertainty
“Must” is not the correct word and this will be fixed.
It will be deprecated in the sense that we want to provide a better alternative that covers the same features as well as some new ones, and improves the overall design.
But Gauge API is still provided with SDK and there should be no regression on packages coming from MSFS 2020.
However, there are a few cases where moving to the new APIs will be necessary.
For example, with the ModularSimObject structure, a number is no longer a valid variable index and index names where introduced, which only the new APIs support.
Any feedback on these new APIs is welcome, especially if you think a feature of the Gauge API is not correctly covered by the newly introduced ones.
Hope this makes it clearer.
One thing that springs immediately to mind is that many WASM modules rely heavily on ’ execute_calculator_code’ in particular or ‘get_name_of_named_variable’ in order to send Events (KVars) or request variables data (AVars). Those are but 2 examples of many.
Deprecating or removing that functionality will result in the need for significant changes in many WASM modules some of which are at the heart of commercial products.
I realize that ‘deprecated’ doesn’t mean that existing code using those functions won’t work now or in the future, but I don’t see how many of their functionalities have been replaced in the new - or any other- API.
Especially I can’t see what - in the Event API - could be used to replace ‘execute_calculator_code’.
Looking at the example usage at execute_calculator_code, could you (or any developer in this Forum) please explain how similar functionality could be achieved using any of the 3 Functions available in the Event API, or am I missing something obvious?
As follow up. My apologies. At the time I wrote my original message, The Gauge API in the new SDK was not listed as ‘Legacy’ , and only the 3 links to the EventAPI were shown against the deprecated originals. The links to the Vars API that have now been added since then have clarified what I need to know.