Misplaced decimal in "locked_tailwheel_max_range" setting

Frequency: Consistently
Severity: High (now low, workaround has been found)
Context: Tailwheel lock toggle
Repro steps: Use XML to toggle the tailwheel lock

Bug description:

The locked tail wheel max angle is limited to 18°. This is not documented anywhere.
18° is 0.31415… radian or PI with a misplaced decimal point (or 180° * 0.1).

Anything above locked_tailwheel_max_range = 0.31415… is ignored

Here with the tailwheel lock on, 18°

Here with the tailwheel lock off (castoring), more than 18°, whatever the wheel does

I can use min_available_steering_angle_pct = 3.0 to get a higher angle, but thats not a valid fix.

tailwheel_lock = 1 
locked_tailwheel_max_range = 1
max_speed_full_steering = 0 
max_speed_decreasing_steering = 1 
min_available_steering_angle_pct = 3.0 ;1.0  
max_speed_full_steering_castering = 100 
max_speed_decreasing_steering_castering = 300 
min_castering_angle = 0.05236 
max_castering_angle = 3.14159265358979 
allow_stopped_steering = 1
steering_time_constants= 3, 5


Additionally the tail wheel lock randomly does not work.

After further investigation, the tailwheel lock only works if the steerable wheel is behind the main wheels.
if the plane is plane is quick reloaded with the wheel in front, the tailwheel toggle still works until the game is restarted.

Hello @MrTommymxr

What is your contact point 7th attribute (wheel max steering angle) set to?
Can you please try setting it to 180 and see if you have the expected result?


Yup its set to 180.