Missing documentation regarding ground contact improvements

Version: SU15

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker since we cannot understand how to make our airplanes fully compliant with this feature

Bug description:

The SU15 documentation is missing an explanation / documentation about these configuration variables now available with SU15 and being used by the C172:

I tried searching in the flighting documentation but there is nothing about them… we been waiting very keen on improving ground handling for our airplanes, so any help you guys can provide on these would be really appreciated.

I found about these thanks to the tip of another dev and the MSFS forums SU15 changelog:

  • Ground Contact Resolution Improvements
    • More accurate ground contact model.
    • Optional soft ground collision model for tires / flexible gears.
    • Enabled new soft gears on C172 and Cabri.
    • New high accuracy physics system to enable vibrations and micro movements.

But everything seems to be missing from the SDK release notes.



Any update on this? I want to start implementing before the SU15 goes public, so by the time it does, I can submit to Marketplace and hit the marke in a couple of weeks…

Remember is not only the time it take us to learn stuff, it is the time also to master it, implement it and then the time it take to push to production.

All the best,

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