Missing files once package is downloaded for testing from content portal causing duplication of airports!

I downloaded my product from within sim with the NEW feature of testing your
own products. It seems there is an issue where I once upload complete files
and when I download them, there are BGL files missing from package along with
linking in layout.json (checked once downloaded into official folder)` Missing
layout.json part <<<<<<< { “path”:
“scenery/ironsimsharjah/OMSJ_MODELIBRARY.BGL”, “size”: 9113322, “date”:
133243395338425061 }, { “path”: “scenery/ironsimsharjah/OMSJ_MSFS.bgl”,
“size”: 62786, “date”: 133243408177765573 }, >>>>>>>

I have no issues if the files
are missing but this is causing my scenery to show double parking spots

My best guess is that these probably got encrypted and packed into an
fsarchive file in the scenery folder (this is normal for Marketplace). For the
doubled parking, do you have a version of that airport active in your
community addons folder? If so, remove it for good measure.

The double parkings are probably because of GSX. If installed, enable NAVDATA
API and exclude your airport from the list in the GSX settings.

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excluded from airport list in GSX menu and everything works great now. Thanks