Missing Glass Parameters in Blender Exporter

Blender Version 3.6 LTS, Blender Exporter 1.3.2

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

It seems that the glass parameter described in the SDK (See attachments) are missing completely in the Blender exporter? Is it outdated information in the SDK or is it missing in the exporter?

Repro steps: Open blender, Create glass material, observe issue

Attachments: Translucent Elements

Parameters are also missing in Blender Exporter Version 2.3.1.


Are you saying that the material exists but not the parameters associated with it or just that some specific params are missing ?

Could you provide us with some screenshoots please ?



Some specific Parameters are missing if I am not wrong.

Those Parameters shown and explained in the SDK are not available in Blender.

Screenshot from Blender:

There is only the Glass Width available. If I am not wrong, I am not able to change the cubemap reflections with Blender.

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Agree - there is an inconsistency here. The schema has

    "properties": {
        "glassReflectionMaskFactor": {
            "type": "number"
        "glassDeformationFactor": {
            "type": "number"
        "extensions": { },
        "extras": { }

but no glasswidth.

The 2020 exporter has the two mentioned properties.

EDIT: the DA62 sampl has glasswidth now but does not show the previous properties

            "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
                "baseColorFactor": [
                "metallicFactor": 0.0,
                "roughnessFactor": 0.25
            "alphaMode": "BLEND",
            "name": "Glass",
            "extensions": {
                "ASOBO_material_draw_order": {
                    "drawOrderOffset": 2
                "ASOBO_material_glass_v2": {
                    "glassWidth": 0.0

EDIT2: seems glass_v2 is missing in the schemas for 2024

Hi there,

Please allow me to also add that the parameters are also missing in the version 4.2 LTS addon for blender.

It would be greatly appreciated to have them back, right now my gauge glass looks awful in game as the reflection mask parameter is missing, thus my gauge glass is reall really reflecting.

Thank you
