I’m trying to create html gauge, but i can’t find JS files (e.g. simplane.js
). According to SDK documentation (JavaScript)
These files (and many others) can be found in the following location:
// OR
Unfortunately, i cannot find those. Other sources point out ‘fs-base-ui’ directory, but i don’t have such folder as well. Anyone got any clue?
Hello Jacob (@k_zlovsky),
You can find the asobo-vcockpits-instruments and fs-base-ui packages inside the Official\(OneStore|Steam) located in default packages location, which you can find through the DevMode menu (please refer to the SDK documentation): Developer Mode - Tools - VFS
You should be able to find the Official folder you are looking for.
Carlos Gonzalez
NextGen Simulations
@cdgonzalezgo I found this file in VFS, but i’m missing this directory in windows…

Jacob (@k_zlovsky),
The simplane.js file that you are looking for, is not located within the Official folder, but within the core application files instead. The asobo-vcockpits-instruments can be found there where I told you on my first reply, but the SimPlane.js file can be found with the core app files, whose location depend on where you installed the sim from (Steam or MS Store).
Below is where I have both located on my system:
For MS Store, you can go to the Xbox app, click on MSFS, then on the … button > Manage > Files > Browse (next to the path on the left) > double click on Content folder in File Explorer.
For Steam, you have to go to the Steam client GUI > Library > right click MSFS > Properties > Local Files tab > Browse Local Files.
Then, once you reach the base sim files, go to Packages > fs-base-ui. I kindly recommend you to copy that html_ui folder somewhere else on your system, so that you do not damage those base files from your sim setup.
Carlos Gonzalez
NextGen Simulations