ModelLib across packages in a single pack or eventually across projects/products

Hi There!

Let’s say I want to create a PACK which includes 6 airports. The airports I would create as separate packages in one project (PACK) but all the airports use a lot of common object across from the same ModelLib AssetGroup and a SimObject Assetgroup. How to handle these asset groups?

  1. Shall I create a separate Package where I place the ModelLib and the SimObject asset and call it like Base objects?
  2. Or shall I add the SimObjects and ModelLib to each packages?

I want to solve that the user can install/uninstall any of the 6 airports in the PACK without ever losing the ModelLib or SimObject.

Few months ago (or even a year) I read in the SDK there is a possibility to publish objects which can be shared between packages and even projects / products. I cannot find it anywhere anymore.

Thanks for all your help!

Hello @LHSimulations,

You can do that to make each package smaller if you want.
You might want to check with the marketplace team first to see if they can list a package that only contains a modelLib for using it as a library.

If that’s not possible, the only solution would be to add the modelLib to each package.


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