Modular SimObject: a Preset that overrides textures?

Hello All,
My Modular Simobjects want to be structured like this:

  • Common: contains all 3D models, and CFG. (no variation in model or congi needed)
  • Liveries. Replace some exterior textures by only containing texture.exterior (this works)
  • Presets: Replace interior textures. Presets appear as “Variations”. This overrides Aircraft.CFG with Different title and ui_variation.

The Idea is that you can choose your upholstering independently of the Liveries.

So Far, I have been unable to get the Presets to override any texture. It only manages to make textures not load at all.

I tried:

  • simply add a texture folder to the preset (makes all textures not load).
  • preset overrides Aircraft.CFG and adds texture = “BeigeInterior”
    - Then common folder contains Texture.BeigeInterior, wit texture.cfg falling back to …/texture to load all others. (this either does not work.)

Any ideas?

According to the docs, common is loaded first, then presets and then liveries. So under that scheme, a preset texture can’t override a livery texture on the same part.

But, there may be a way to achieve your goal using tags. In the preset’s attached_objects.cfg, you should be able to add an alias to each attachment that would correspond to a different texture “tag” and I think you should be able to have a folder with that tag in the preset that would be different than the tag used by the liveries. I don’t think you need to use aircraft.cfg for that.

It’s worth experimenting with. This stuff is sort of uncharted territory as everyone tries to figure out the best approach. I think we would all like this stuff to be better documented but this is a really powerful new system and it’s going to take some effort to learn how to really use it.

Thank @Sal1800 ,

I got it to work:

  • The “common” texture contains a full set, just in case. All models and CFG are contained here.
  • The Presets contain a “texture.VariantInt” where only the desired interior textures to override are present. But most importantly, a texture.cfg with the fallback “…......\common\texture”. Also they override both "title = " and “texture =” of aircraft.cfg.
  • The Liveries contain only the special “texture.exterior” folder where exclusively exterior textures are contained.