MSFS 2020 airplanes - Cabin ambient lighting and light effects


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: HIGH

Context: All my aircrafts, mounted from Community, flight.

Bug description:
Ambient lighting is notworking in MSFS 2024 correclty anymore, all light effects are too powerful now, I recon 2.5 to 3 times more powerful vs MSFS 2020, this causes problems since now wherever we made in 2020 for interior cabin lighting is now correct in MSFS 2024.

I am happy to update the light once we fully convert to 2024, but for the initial compatibility mode this causes issues as if we change it in MSFS 2020, it would break back there.

This picture ilustrates:

MSFS 2024:

MSFS 2020

Even the flash light in 2024 is way too powerful compared to MSFS 2020…

Note external taxi, beacons, landing and nav lights suffers the same issue, too strong compared vs 2020.

Repro steps:
Load Sting S4, FSR500 or TL3000 or any MSFS 2020 plane that had custom ambien lighting effects, boot the units, note the lighting… compare to MSFS 2020.


I agree with that symptom on all my mods too.
(same conditions : msfs2020 builds directly in community in msfs2024)

@FlyingRaccoon @EPellissier this is now fixed with version 1.0.77 great work the lighting is matching 100% accurate vs MSFS 2020!

Many thanks,


Hello @SimbolFSReborn

Thank you for the heads up.
@bagolu Do you confirm this is also fixed for you?


Everything looks fine in my cockpits in 1.0.77

But the flash light is still very bright (some buttons are hard to read)

Merci pour le fix Sylvain !

The flashing light changed vs 1.0.72, is now way less intensive in 1.0.77…

Works pretty much the same on my planes vs MSFS 2020… it could be the AO occlusion Bagolu, remember this new platform handles lighting way different.

Overall I think this ticket can be flagged as fixed.
