MSFS 2020 airplanes - Livery Selection & Configuration BUG


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: BLOCKER

Marketplace package name: Sting S4, FSR500 and TL3000

Context: Sting S4, FSR500 and TL3000, mounted from Community, livery selections

Bug description:
MSFS 2024 is not remembering the livery selection and configuration made by the user for any MSFS 2020 aircraft.

Example, I have configured and saved the liveries I want for FSR500, TL3000 and S4 as you can see below:

Go back to select a flight:

Note there is no photo of what the user has selected, never the less I selected the FSR500 to flight:

I finished my flight, quit to desktop via menu, next launch

All liveries are back to an scrambled state, not remembering anything I have done to them, the system doesn’t even remeber what aircraft I used, and default to S4 and a livery I didn’t used last time. It seems it always scrambles all the liveries to this state…

In my opinion, this should be fixed before release as otherwise all users of the simulator will experience this bug since their MSFS 2020 will be mounted automatically when their Library is loaded with all their products they own from the previous MSFS version, and this means their airplanes and liveries selections will be always random as you can see above, this would hinge their experience and annoy the users, not great for a 1st day release IMO.

NOTE: Liveries selection are not coming in the correct other either, it should be following the flight.N like it did back in MSFS 2020…

Repro steps:
As above.

Best Regards,


This remains on 1.0.88. Exactly the same.




Eric, is this the system now that will be used on the release version of 2024 on the Livery Selection?

If so, how does it take its order?

Many thanks. Congrats on it working again.

That new selection window is utterly beautiful. Makes the planes look so awesome…

Lionheart Creations


DevAlpha is nearly identical to the launch build (same fixes, same bugs).

So yes the Aircraft Selector / Configurator will be working in the same way in the launch build. Unfortunately the World Map will also display the placeholder icon (but it should be fixed quickly).

The main tiles are created by grouping aircraft according to their “icao_model” + “ui_createdby”. I suspect the liveries are sorted alphabetically but I’ll have to double check the code (I cannot do it right now but will get back to you on this).

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo


Hi @EPellissier

As a feedback we order liveries using the flight.n because we have a control over what we want the user to see 1st, prior to 2024 we could not group liveries for aircraft types, for example we need to put liveries for aircraft that uses the GTN750, and liveries that dont, due to the way panel.cfg and panel.xml needs to be done for each (totaly different).

So for example in MSFS 2020 I have placed the liveries in an order that makes sense for the user to find thing easier, for an instance: Livery A followed by Livery A GTN, Livery B followed by Livery B GTN, etc.

When this is done alphabetically they scramble around and is more difficult to find what you looking for IMO. Specially when a new customer just purchased your aircraft, they don’t know the livery titles, nobody really do, they just looking for something that looks pleasing to their eyes, but they need to chose the correct one for the avionics they need.

This changes of course in MSFS 2024 with the modular approach since we can do groups based on avionics now, but until we fully convert we are a bit stuck with the liveries for the time being.



Many thanks, @EPellissier


@EPellissier ,

What @SimbolFSReborn wrote above, I do this also. I have certain planes I want to show up first. Its like a very specific order. My least fave planes I want to show last in the lineup, and first ones the best, so at first glance, possible customers see the best ones first.

Perhaps there is a way to do this easily in the ICAO? Perhaps simply starting with a Number or Letter and that will restore our photos / Livery order for how they appear in 2024? That would be Awesome…

And thanks again for the heads up on how the order works.


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I did some testing…

I added a icao_model= string to each Livery section in the aircraft config, and that didnt effect it.

I then added a number to each of the model Variants, but that did nothing also.

I wonder how its choosing these?

I would suggest this is a useful tidbit to include in the documentation :slight_smile:

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…and should be reviewed based on how people actually like their library organized and changed appropriately. Sorry to be so forward about this, but, it’s really important to me, as I have 100’s of planes and liveries to choose from, and this change throws everything away and creates a complete mess.

I definitely have favorites, and sort my liveries in each plane appropriately. What really irks me is including the “white” liveries used by livery creators as actual planes to choose, and they show up in parking spots.


I’ll move this topic to [MSFS 2024] Questions & Community Discussions as a feedback on the forums has already been logged for this.

Also, I added a task in our backlog to add the information in the docs about how the main tiles and liveries are sorted.



I disagree with this, I logged this as a bug regarding with MSFS 2020 airplanes liveries issues, the problem remains even with latest SU1 and we as 3rd party developers are getting bombarded on the front line constantly by customers regarding this issue.

More over, we are about to get market place open soon, and we are supposed to “sign off” our 2020 products as working in MSFS 2024, imagine the reactions and our ratings for the products when new customers buys them and they are unable to set a livery properly, not to mention the problem with the dynamic registrations which are still an issue.

This affects our product functionality, and our products reputation, specially if we “sign off” as something is working.

This issue was reported in November 2024, we are now in February 2025, I apologise if my response is a bit harsh, but I been sitting here very patiently with zero sales basically given how the launch of 2024 went and the lack of having MSFS 2024 market place active, so when the market place opens at the very least what I want is to ensure the functionality of my current products is there as promised.

Moving the priority of this bug report now to “a questions” doesn’t sound very encouraging for me, neither re-assuring.

Can you guys please re-consider and try to get this fixed? I know this bug might sound mundane in comparison with others, but we get lots of complains from our customers on this regard all the time, in hence why I raised this here directly instead of relying on MSFS public forums, which bugs priority I cannot control despite it affects my brand, reputation and business economics.

Thanks for your attention,

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I completely agree with Raul. This issue directly impacts product functionality and our reputation as developers. With the MSFS 2024 marketplace opening soon, ensuring our products work “as expected” is critical, not just for customer satisfaction but also for maintaining trust. Our Fox2 sits in the Marketplace top rated category and has over 100 liveries available on community sites, with mega packs floating around. To say this creates a mess in-sim is an understatement.

The fact that this was reported back in November and still isn’t addressed is concerning, especially given the pressure we face from customers. Moving the bug report to a “question” status feels dismissive. I strongly urge you to reconsider so this can be properly resolved.

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the lack of news on this topic - some changes have been made to how 2020 aircraft are grouped (it should be included in the next SU1 Beta Update).

  • If icao_model is not empty, (ui_createdby + icao_model) is used as the key.
  • If icao_model is empty, (ui_createdby + atc_type) is used as the key (ONLY ON 2020 AIRCRAFT)

This resolves a number of problems where different aircraft without a proper icao_model would be grouped under the same tile.

Unfortunately I haven’t had time to look into livery ordering just yet - I’ll do it right now but I am unsure anything can be done on this topic for SU1 (TBC). I guess the right thing to do would be to preserve the 2020 order for 2020 packages - but I need to check if this can actually be done (just in case - this is theoretically not in the SDK Team perimeter).

As for aircraft ordering, I believe some kind of “favourites” aircraft feature would help rather than trying to solve this through CFG / name fiddling.

There’s also a bug where the sim won’t remember which livery you had selected from one EXE launch to the next one - the appropriate team has been asked to fix but I am unsure this will be done for SU1.

I’ll try to find more information and get back to you on this topic.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

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Feedback after testing the last SU1 available, liveries orders are still not showing as per MSFS 2020, this is important we use this to promote products as the liveries with our logos are always 1st.

Asbove you can see it is not showing the liveries as I designed them to be displaying, the order is simple in MSFS 2020 is not by name, is by Flight.X number in the aircraft.cfg

Why the order is important? in MSFS 2020 we order the liveries to show different configurations as required, example Sting S4 blue eagle, next livery Sting S4 blue eagle GTN (different avionics) this helps users to find the correct livery.

Another problem the tag of what you are selecting still doesn’t show:

How people can confirm what livery they are picking? the thunbnail is not available in MSFS 2024, when we receieve the Dev Alpha this was working and sudenlty this disapeard in a version, I reported this too, back in November 2024.

The livery selected is also not remembered between MSFS restarts…

And finally, with SU1 we have a new issue, when you pick another livery, the preview of the aircraft gets damaged by forcing the gears to be not retrackted, the aileros stuck and the elecvator as well.

This video showcase what I explained with the gears and animations:

Pretty much very bad annestetics to showcase a product a 3rd party developer have signed off and aproved for sales in MSFS 2024, this not only makes a 3rd party developer to look bad and will impact its reputation, it makes you guys also look bad because simply put people will notice this occurs with all MSFS 2020 planes…

Given the state of things with liveries selection, etc. I think this should be moved back to be a reported bug so you guys and we 3rd party developers can track it properly, specially because it has been reported 4 months ago… so putting it as a question makes me feel this will be abandoned.

You know I praise always all your hard work and passion, I know you guys are working very hard, and I know how much important bugs are in the queue, we all 3rd party developers understand this, but Eric try to put yourself for a second in our position, all our offerings from MSFS 2020 stopped selling, and as time passes and you guys move forward and fix things for MSFS 20204, people keep moving towards MSFS 2024, causing a domino effect where we losing all our income as time drags.

The thing we do not need, is for people coming into MSFS 2024 now, purchasing our MSFS 2020 products (which are not selling very well since Novemember) and finding all these quirks before even sitting on the aircraft, this will leave a very bad impression, and will continue to affect our sales and income as people will just prefer to buy new releases 2024 native which do not show such problems.

The difficulty is, everyone on this side of the coin (3rd party developers), are still tryin to learn the new SDK, very few 3rd party developers have actualy completed any MSFS 2024 native product, so we all are here sitting and banking in MSFS 2024 MP opening to re-sume our sales of MSFS 2020 products while we learn, implement and complete MSFS 2024 native versions and new releases.

So once again, I would like you guys to re-consider and please pay attention to MSFS 2020 incompatibility bugs which we reported even before the release of MSFS 2024, lots of these are still pending, is important to get this right so we can close the gap while we move forward with the amazing technology you guys are implementing in the new simulator.

Many thanks for your attention,


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+1, there is no exaggeration here.